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Upcoming Events
Tolerance Means Dialogue

It's time to talk candidly about issues facing our country. Through our Dialogues, we will seek to understand the sticking points that make these issues divisive and leverage insights of Millennials and members of Gen Z – because after all, Millennials and members of Gen Z have the most at stake. The Dialogues are an opportunity to learn from each other.

Each Dialogue event will feature two Dialogue Catalysts, two $750.00 scholarship-winning student essayists, and be moderated by an esteemed member of the university faculty or student affairs staff. All who attend can join in, too, by tweeting questions and comments to @ToleranceMeans. One will randomly be selected to receive a Social Engagement Prize of $250.00.

We bring the speakers, the scholarships, and the food. You bring a willingness to talk about tough issues and a positive attitude. Together we can forge a path forward.

We are bringing these discussions across the country. From the Northeast, where we began in Pittsburgh, to the Midwest on Constitution Day, to the Deep South in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, to the West Coast. Scroll down for upcoming events.

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