Robin Fretwell Wilson
Professor Wilson founded and directs the #ToleranceMeans Dialogues. She also directs the Fairness for All Initiative at the University of Illinois, which provides tangible support and advice to legislators seeking to balance religious freedom and LGBT nondiscrimination protections. Professor Wilson is a member of the American Law Institute; she is the author, co-author, editor or co-editor of twenty books, including her recent books, International Survey Of Family Law 2022 (June Carbone & Robin Fretwell Wilson, eds., Intersentia, 2022) , Religious Freedom, LGBT Rights and The Prospects for Common Ground (William N. Eskridge, Jr. & Robin Fretwell Wilson, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2018) and Same-Sex Marriage And Religious Liberty (with Douglas Laycock and Anthony Picarello, eds., Rowman & Littlefield, 2008). Professor Wilson assisted the Utah legislature as it enacted the Utah Compromise and is presently working with the United Arab Emirates’ Judicial Department to permit expatriates to resolve family law matters using the laws of their home country or their faith traditions.